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In Bird Friendly Cities, key threats to birds are effectively mitigated, and nature is restored so native bird populations can thrive.

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  • Writer's pictureThom Luloff


One of the traditional methods for rodent pest control is to use bait poisoning. This method is cheap and “mess free” as the rodent consumes the poison and usually dies somewhere out of sight, out of mind.

However, there is a major issue with bait poison. The poison doesn’t stay with the rodent.

Poisoned rodents usually take several days to die and during this time, they are very easy prey for raptors such as hawks and owls, who gobble them up easily, and they themselves become poisoned in an event known as secondary poisoning.

The level of toxicity depends on the timing, amount and type of poison the rodent has consumed and the number of rodents the predator eats. Poisoned hawks and owls become lethargic, lose balance and their agility in flight, making them prone to window strikes, collisions with cars, and even falling out their roosts overnight; all of which can cause substantial injuries at best, or be fatal.

We do not recommend using bait poisons in any circumstance.

Lethal traps for rodents are a non-toxic option, or better yet, simply avoid their use and stick to exclusion, deterrents or building and maintaining a predator box.

Integrated Pest Management is low cost, effective, and provides habitat for predatory birds such as hawks or owls.


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